Annual Pass
Welcome to the movement, you’re here to make serious waves. We’re re-aligning our justice systems for women and girls and your Annual Pass contribution helps us do just that! Whilst also opening up your network to fellow powerhouses, impact leaders and entrepreneurs who believe just because the world is how it is today, doesn’t mean it has to be the same tomorrow and we have the power to change it.
What’s inside
Your very own NFT p/law reformed
Each time a new law is reformed we will celebrate by gifting our annual members their very own piece of digital artwork in honor of the law reform.
Exclusive Invitations to all 2024 live-events
Your Community Pass grants you an exclusive invitation to 1 x WMW in collaboration with a global brand live event. Network with fellow game changers, impact-led pioneers and hear from leaders across topics spanning women equality, innovation and wellbeing.
Funding Law Reform
A portion of every Annual Pass goes directly into our Impact Fund and into the hands of our Impact Partners who specialise in law reform. You have now joined becoming part of the solution in reforming our justice systems. Welcome to the wave!
Impact Reports
As an Annual Member you receive periodic impact reports and updates directly from our law reform experts (think BTS content, be along for the journey directly from the experts themselves!). Learn new bills being written, new reforms being made, and new ways to make a difference from the world leaders in law reform,
You’re officially part of the Women Making Waves Community, we’re here to make waves together and create experiences for you and fellow game changes throughout 2024.
Join us, we’re excited to meet you and pioneer change together!